
Hope yet in the form of Abandon All Hope

A sneak peek at the uncorrected proof of my new book.

We’re getting closer to the publication day of my new book, Abandon All Hope: A Personal Journey Through the History of Welsh Literature, and the lovely team at Calon Books were kind enough to send me out an uncorrected proof. This is a paperback version my text, very close to the one that will go out to the general public (which means this is the last chance to catch wayward commas, spelling mistakes, and attempts to overthrow the establishment).

This is the version of the book that has been sent out to media and reviewers. When you buy it (when, not if) it will be a sexy hardback without any sharp edges or grammatical inconsistencies. We promise.

But I thought it might be a nice chance to show you all what the book is, and give the first proper feel for it as a completed work.

Here’s a bit of blurb from the publisher for this who haven’t seen it yet.

Taking in the history of Welsh writing in English from the legacy of the bardic tradition to contemporary experimental works, Abandon All Hope introduces Welsh literature in a way it has never been presented before – as cutting edge, experimental, vibrant, exciting, intimate, and with a multitude of voices. This voyage into a uniquely Welsh Inferno offers a revolutionary new way to examine and explain literary history, traversing elements of chronology and genre, in a wide-ranging and, above all, highly entertaining manifesto for a new perception of Welsh literature both inside and outside of Wales.

You can pre-order your copy from Calon now.

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